2012年2月27日 星期一

Parent Statement



帶孩子去美國高中面談至此, 心裡一直在想, 該以甚麼作為此行的 Ending, 最後決定以 Parent Statement 作為總結:

It is my pleasure to introduce my children, Ku-chien (Casper) Lin and Nien-yin (Nasrin) Lin, to you. They were born through the process of in-vitro fertilization (IVF). They are always fascinated by the fact that they were conceived in a laboratory. My husband and I were awfully worried that our children might not be as healthy as other babies; however, we decided to put this problem into the doctor’s trustworthy hands. The day Casper and Nasrin were born was such an amazing day. Even as I type these words I can still feel a sense of relief and pride. Not only they were healthy little darlings, they were twins! They grew up in an environment of great love and care, with the blessings of family and many friends
My husband and I decided not to send our children to any kindergarten classes. Instead, we took them to a “reading club” run by an Australian couple when they were only five. Casper and Nasrin learned to read books and played games with the other children there. My children told me that they had a lovely time at the reading club.  They have many memories that I am sure are still clear in their minds. My son recalled the first time that he played cricket, he was so excited to learn a new game different from any he had seen in Taiwan, and that it was “best” experience he ever had. He now understands that it was his natural interest in foreign things. At the same time, my daughter developed a particular interest in art and design, and later cultivated an exceptional taste in art and beauty.

Casper is a happy and cheerful boy with an enthusiastic attitude. He always takes a positive approach whenever he is confronted by problems or challenges. He enjoys playing sports and is an accomplished violinist. His sense of pitch is particularly sharp; it seems that he has a tuner in his ears. His strength is in the analytical areas. Also he is really good at understanding math problems, processing information in his brain, and putting things in to structures. He likes making friends and being helpful. Naturally, people respond to his friendliness, and he is popular among his many friends. He has a strong will, which helps him to confront challenges whenever he needs to, without ever giving up. If there has been any fault with Casper, it is that he would sometimes get too evolved in his friends’ affairs and forget his own responsibilities and priorities. Fortunately, he has been able to listen to his parents’ advice and correct his behavior accordingly. I can’t stress enough what a sweet darling he has been to me and his father. He is always considerate and thoughtful, and he has made us very proud parents.
My daughter, Nasrin, is a perfectionist. She is very precise and has an exceptional taste for beauty. She is fond in drawing comics. She has several comic books that she drew and designed with interesting stories in each scene. The comics are humorous and entertaining to not only herself, but to her friends and family. In her middle school, she won the first prize for designing a logo for their school library. The experience, which demonstrates her special talent in arts, inspired her further in this field. She sets very high standard for herself and pressures herself to achieve them. Her motto is “I will be better today than I was yesterday”. Her ability to concentrate is exceptional among her peers. She is diligent and conscientious about her studies and learning. To many people’s surprise, Nasrin is also an outstanding athlete. On the sports field, she is not only very coordinated, but also very smart and tactical.

It has always been the two children’s goal to study further overseas when they are older. They have studied in bilingual schools since they were young, and they have often spoken to us about their desire to study overseas. They are attracted by the new challenges and the opportunities to experience different cultures and further broaden their horizons. After much thought, my husband and I have decided to support their dreams, as we believe they are ready, and that it will only be a positive experience for them. In addition, I will be accompanying my children to America to support them during their studies. As a well-established dentist who has his own clinic, my husband has been able to organize his work in advance in order to participate in our children’s major school events and activities. He has been their mentor and guide as they grow up, and he fully intends to continue in that role.

Wall Street

New York Stock Exchange (紐約證交所)




交易所旁邊高樓林立, 華爾街的金童就在裡面 ???
經濟學者做過統計, 世界上財富的分布狀況得知, 世界上的 80% 財富集中在北美洲, 而美國的財富 80% 集中在猶太人手中, 這也是為甚麼希特勒要屠殺猶太人的原因就不難理解了, Federal Reserve System (聯邦準備理事會)前主席 Alan Greenspan (葛林斯潘) 及現任主席 Ben Shalom Bernanke (貝南克) 都是猶太裔, 真不知道大樓裡的金童又有多少是猶太血統的呢?

2012年2月21日 星期二

New York Time Square

American Idol Judges - Jennifer Lopez, Steven Tyler, Randy Jackson                                          Host  --    Ryan Seacrest


M & M 巧克力旗艦店


紐約時報廣場每年跨年煙火秀是世界注目的焦點, 也是遊客到紐約必定朝聖的地點, 說真的, 廣場並不大, 想想擠進數十萬人, 真的很可怕 :O, 但說也奇怪, 走在 Broadway 的路上就是很有 fu , 站在路邊, 看著人來人往, 車水馬龍, 建築師所要傳達的力與美的不同風格的建築物, 櫥窗創意設計, 行人穿著的時尚品味, 在在都告訴我們, 她是引領世界潮流的時尚之都, 當之無愧

2012年2月16日 星期四

~ Friend's Sweet Home ~




位於 New Jersey 的 River Edge 是這次美國行暫時落角處, 感謝朋友熱情的招待及溫馨接送情, 使 interview 一切順利完成, 除了非常感謝之外還是大大的感謝
River Edge 的環境非常優美,  生活機能也相當的方便, 從友人家開車只要大約十分鐘就有 shopping mall,  而且從友人家成放射線出去共有五個 mall, 價位高的有 Bloomingdale,  中價位有 Nordstrom, Macy,  JC Penny, 較經濟實惠的有 Target,  也有賣天然有機食品的 Whole Food, 賣酒的 Total Wine, 這對台灣生活習慣的人來說真是太方便了, 雖然還是要開車才到的了, 但是這在米國已經是非常方便的了, 就好像在台灣只要走下樓 7-11 就在隔壁一樣.
現在看似光禿禿的樹, 到了春天除了綠葉還會開滿白色的花朵, 想想那情景真是有夠給他美的啦!!! 春天希望再次的造訪, 與 New Jersey 春天有約.

2012年2月13日 星期一

Sugar Plumm



光在店外觀賞就被一陣陣的甜蜜包圍著, 好精緻又有創意的櫥窗, 別說小孩子看了不想走, 連我這資深熟女也很想進去大吃一頓, 只可惜時間不夠, 下次若有機會再次造訪, 一定要好好的欣賞及享用一番