2018年6月30日 星期六

Visit Casper at Balitmore 6/30/2018

Jasmine Asian Bistro

可以吃些好吃的亞洲菜 (開心ㄟ)




3傻闖米國 (雖然6年過去了)

吃 crab cake 去

Nikhil and Casper (死黨二人組)

maryland cioppino (湯汁好棒)

crab cake (真好吃)
兒子今年暑假在 Baltimore 找到 internship 的機會, 生平以來第一次自己賺錢有收入, 很開心也體會到賺錢的辛苦及不容易, 今天帶了一箱 home made 的食物來探望他, 解解他思念媽媽的味道, 這些食物把他的冰箱冷凍櫃塞得滿滿的, 看見他滿意的微笑著... 我可愛的兒子啊.........
星期天是他買菜~  煮飯 ~煮菜的日子,  為了省錢儘可能的自己準備餐點, 早餐煎2個蛋外加2片吐司, 中午上班自帶便當, 基本上中午的便當一整個星期的菜色都是 一樣的, 晚上下班後如果比較有時間會煎個牛排吃, 但是一般都是熱一下星期日做的飯菜當晚餐,  假日會和朋友出去打打牙祭, 問他每天都吃差不多的食物不膩嗎? 他回答 : 很好吃喔! (可能自己煮得特別好吃, 要是以前在家老是煮相同的東西, 早就要我換換口味了! ) 還不好意思地跟我說, 媽媽~ 做飯真的很花時間ㄟ, 從買菜洗菜煮菜, 滷肉調味, 好多事, 有時又不怎麼好吃, 但是為了不浪費也要硬吃完 , 看來暑假這段時間的磨練真是太值得了 !
暑假後升大三了, 跟朋友在學校附近租房子, 路口都有學校的警衛24小時站哨, 警車也常常巡邏, 雖然 Baltimore 的治安向來不好, 但在學校的巡邏安全區域是沒問題的, 也讓我放下心了

2018年6月15日 星期五

Date with Nasrin on Friday - 6/15/2018

Sultan's Delight with chicken
Baby Okra with Lamb

Milk Custard and hot apple juice

自從孩子們從高中畢業後就再也提不起勁來記錄美國生活的點點滴滴, 可能因為孩子們離家後整個心境上的不適應, 也可能是現在心態上比較調整到一個平衡點, 也漸漸走出一個人的生活模式, 就好像有時候我的老電腦開機時, 不明原因的就是無法啟動, 只好強迫關機後等一會兒再重新開機, 還好的是, 重新開機後一切如常沒有異狀,  Thanks God !
女兒今年暑假在曼哈頓申請到一家律師事務所的工讀機會, 所以暑假可以住在家裡跟我作伴, 有她在家生活也比較規律, 隨著她一個星期緊湊的上班下班節奏, 感覺時間過得好快一個星期又一個星期的過去了
女兒上班後跟她約好每個星期五如果沒有特別的事情, 星期五下午我就進紐約去跟他約會吃晚餐,  因為她上班的地點就在 Carnegie Hall 對面, subway 坐到 59 街 Columbus Circle 下車就是 Central Park, 這個紐約的空氣濾淨機佔地廣擴, 在寸土寸金的紐約實屬難得重要,  到處逛逛走走, 悠閒自在的享受午後陽光灑滿整身, 看著溜小孩的父母, 溜狗的主人, 約會的情侶們躺在草皮上, 穿著比基尼曬著太陽的青春玉女們, 每個人自有一套享受溫暖太陽的方法自得其樂
今天是女兒工作的第二個星期五, 我們信步的走著經過一家土耳其餐廳 Turkuaz - Turkish Mediterranean Cuisine, 在外面看了一下菜單, 價格還能接受就進去體驗一下異國菜餚, 我點的是 Sultan's Delight with chicken - A classical Istanbul dish made with choice of chicken or lamb chunks served on smoked eggplant puree blended with kashkaval cheese and herbs 去皮的雞腿肉還算嫩 下面的糊狀有點像熬得很稠的粥 整體口感還不錯
女兒的 Baby Okra with Lamb - Baby okra stewed with lamb cubes in tomato sauce 附上一碗白飯非常飽足感
後來因為有較多人的一夥食客上門, 老闆來溝通是否可以換一下位子, 因為我們也快吃飽了就爽快答應, 我想老闆可能足感心就送來 milk custard and hot apple juice 當酬謝, 結帳時還一直感謝我們的 understanding, 愉快的晚餐就在太陽漸漸下山月色升起中跟著女兒邊走邊聊回家

2016年4月14日 星期四

Cum Laude Society Class of 2016 -- Casper

Welcome to Cum Laude

Cum Laude Society

The Cum Laude Society Established in 1906

member schools

mission statement

The Cum Laude Society Certificate to Casper

D-E Cum Laude Society Class of 2016

Mr. Delay 介紹 Casper 得到這榮譽的原因 :

Lum Laude Society Class of 2016 -- Nasrin

Welcome to Cum Laude

Cum Laude Society

The Cum Laude Society Established in 1906

member schools

mission statement

D-E Cum Laude Society Class of 2016

The Cum Laude Society Certificate to Nasrin

Mr. Deal介紹 Nasrin得到這殊榮的原因及他所演講的全文:      
   Dear Nasrin,                                                                                                                                                                                    

After three roof-shattering years' tenure as the self-appointed belle of the Cum Laude Ball, I was going to sit this one out. I had my own one foot out the door, you see--not unlike all the seniors present here tonight. I figured I'd coast a little, indulge  in my own forty-four-year-old version of senioritis.

What pulled me back in was the opportunity to speak for Estella and for you, I should warn everybody in advance that there are no gimmicks and few jokes here. Just words from the heart, as the cliché goes, before we turn out the lights and you and I head off on our separate non-Dwight adventures.

But I've got some things to say, and Mr. Armitage foolishly gave me the last slot. Fret not, though! I promise to have you all out of here by eleven, midnight tops.

I think I saw Ms. DeVito's eye twitch.

Anyway, Nasrin: do you remember way back in September when you and I were catching up, and you were telling me about your summer, your hopes for the future, your uncertainty about where and how best to apply your prodigious talents? You flattered me by saying I should go into business giving teenagers advice on how to live--now it's Mr. Algrant's eye that's twitching--and I demurred, saying that as a teacher of literature, I got to introduce young people to the very best books ever written, and that all the advice anyone could ever need was in those.

I still believe that, but I'm going to give you some sage counsel anyway. As I said, before we turn out the lights.

Nasrin, first and last and always, I urge you never to lose faith in your own capacities. You are a woman of extraordinary academic promise, and young people with such gifts often receive them at the cost of a certain insecurity, a certain sensitivity to life's setbacks and criticisms. Do not let the odd college rejection or professorial disparagement make you doubt your own kills and your own intellectual worth. Your life--anybody's life--will be filled with doomsayers and shutting doors. Hum a jaunty tune and look for the open window.

Speaking of things not to lose, don't ever abandon the arts. Both as a one-woman audience for creative greatness and as a writer, musician, and artist of tremendous expressiveness in your own right, you will need the nourishment and self-ch
allenge that the artistic sphere has to give your. And the world outside your own fertile mind desperately needs the power of fearless creativity. I a Kosmos so often ugly in its callousness, you must endure as a forceful voice for truth and beauty. Write. Play music. Draw. These are the wellsprings that will sustain you and allow you to inspire others.

Finally, on that note, please consider teaching as a career. (Pause for Madame Tal to accuse me of le plagiat). I don't say that to many students: it always sounds self-serving, for one thing, and the pay is not great, and you have to go to so, so many meeting, really, the meeting, I cannot begin to descri--just kidding! one foot out the door, remember?--and it's hardly the world's easiest job. But for someone who perpetually brims with for literature and history and the sciences and art and music--someone, in short, like you-- it's a chance to make a profound difference in the lives of future Nasrin Lin, potential life-changing seekers who need a cynosure of their own by which to travel.

Whatever you do, Nasrin, my full faith in you ability to remake the world goes with you. It has been a great honor to be your teacher, and I wish you nothing but the very best of luck as you venture forth, the wide world and all its byways yours to pursue, wherever you would have them lead. 

2016年2月20日 星期六













"唯有牡丹真國色, 花開時節動京城",  今年佛光山將牡丹花當今年的迎春花, 從中國山東運來台灣, 再搭配其他花材設計而成不同風格的花藝展示, 也豐富了這真國色的帝王之氣,
趁著老友Candy來巡視卦山燒小舖的一點空閒時間, 一起參觀這次的牡丹花展, 雖然小舖業績不盡理想, 但能在這佛教聖地設攤也是難能可貴的經驗