2014年6月25日 星期三

Volunteers at Bright Side Manor

Spring 2014 Newsletter
Harry Friedland  訪問 Casper & Nasrin

每個星期日的下午2點到4點之間, 只要是時間上配合的來, 我們幾乎都是在 Bright Side Manor 老人院渡過, 跟這裡的年長者玩遊戲, 聽音樂, 說故事....., 在這裡當志工也有一年了, 跟裡面的住戶, 護理人員, 工作員工, 都有點熟絡了, 其中一位住戶Mr, Harry Friedland 特別要求要採訪 Casper & Nasrin 也將他採訪的內容刊登在 Spring 2014 Newsletter 裡容如下:

Charming Taiwanese 16 years old twins have made quite an impression at Bright Side. Casper Lin and his sister, Nasrin, have volunteered to spend time with residents, and in addition, have performed four violin recitals during their visits. The group loved their playing and look forward to hearing them soon again. Currently, sophomores at Dwight Englewood High School, they arrived only two year ago from Taiwan. They have studied violin since forth grade and are in the school orchestra with music classes three times a week. In January, they informed us of two upcoming exciting experiences. First a three day week- end in Boston to perform, at three different schools- all different levels.
Nasrin told me she enjoyed the younger audience the best, since they were the most enthusiastic. The Monday after Boston they were to perform at Carnegie Hall, in a chamber string  group of 13 for family, friends, and a "regular" audience. After years of practice, they feel very confident and are pleased with their level of performance. We look forward to more Bright Side recitals.

