2014年6月30日 星期一

Columbia University- Science Honor Program


哥倫比亞大學的 Science Honor Program 為何?
The Columbia University Science Honors Program (SHP) is a Saturday morning program specifically designed for high school students in the tenth, eleventh, and twelfth grades. Classes are held on the Columbia University Morningside Campus during the entire academic year from September through May.
去年兒子報考 Columbia University的 Science Honor Program 沒有被錄取, 今年他心裡也非常明白這是很困難的考試而且希望渺茫, 但還是願意再試試看, 出乎意料竟然考上了, 連他自己都不敢相信, 報考這個 program 的條件如下:  如果考上了是個免費的課程, 每個星期六到哥大上2.5個小時的課程, 由哥大提供師資, 設備, 經費.....
The Columbia University Science Honors Program (SHP) is a highly selective program for students who have a strong interest in science and mathematics. Classes are held at Columbia from 10:00 AM to 12:30 PM on Saturdays throughout the academic year. Applicants for the 2014-2015 school year must now be in the eleventh, tenth, or ninth grade and must apply online. The program is available only to students who attend high schools in New York, New Jersey, or Connecticut and who live within a 75-mile radius of the Columbia campus.
孩子們今年就11年級了, 美國的高中生這年會是最最忙碌得一年, 除了要考PSAT,  SAT test, SAT subject test, AP test....真的有夠他們忙的了, 兒子每個星期六還得去哥大上課, 兩個孩子也都有參加學校的田徑隊, 而且是三級跳的主要選手, 傷腦筋的是--大型的比賽都安排在星期六, 看來兒子得好好選擇缺課的時間, 才可以兼顧他喜愛的運動及哥大課程   

