2015年11月2日 星期一

When the Dust Settles

在 Englewood Library 上課斷斷續續已經有3年的時間了, 這是我陪孩子來美國讀書這段時間, 最讓我有輕鬆學習興緻的好地方, 跟3種不同課程的老師也成為好友, 有時相約一起吃飯, 逛街, 介紹臨近的 town, 不同的生活功能, 有了這些純美國人的帶領, 讓我這異鄉人多了份安心,安全,自在的感覺
 Librarian Grace 希望我寫些關於自己的 short story, 想著陪孩子讀高中的這四年即將告一段落, 階段性的任務即將完成, 心裡也漸漸踏實多了, 所以就寫下目前我的心境當成這次的交差功課

                                         When the dust settles

It's autumn. Fall leaves transform to yellow , copper, orange, and deep crimson. When I walk on a country road, I listen to the autumn chorus that will stay in my memories. I remember three years ago when I accompanied my children to USA for their high school education. It was struggling time for us. We faced that time with mixed emotions. Time went by as we overcame many obstacles. The seasonal changes have given us a new lease on life. My family and I enjoy the changing colors.
The time has come for my children to apply to colleges. It’s unexpectedly complicated for me, but I'm glad that the school counselor is helping out. They submitted their ED (early decision) and EA (early action) applications and are now working on regular applications. We will wait and see what will happen.

I need to leave the States every 90 days so I always travel a lot between the USA and my home country. It is exhausting. When the dust settles, I will have completed my four-year duty as my children move towards new chapters of life.

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